1st Series - Flight A "Field of Dreams
The terrain: Line was on top of a mound. The grass was cut short on the mound and in a circle at the bottom of the mound. In the land series before the dogs was a very thick grass around knee to waist high for all three marks. From the mound there was a gentle slope from right to left with the middle mark. A power line is also present through the test and for the left mark the power pole was in front of the marks arc on mark #1. The flyer was hidden behind a large tree and only the top of the arc and most of the fall was visible.
First series is a triple with an honor. Marks are all thrown left to right around the horn. Far right is mark 1, middle is 2, flyer is 3.
Mark number 1 above. Dead bird thrown left to right in heavy cover. This bird is thrown deep behind a power-line pole. Some dogs went right of the pole and others left of the pole and some hunted around the pole which was short of the mark. This mark is around 80 yards.
Flyer number 3 is behind a large tree. There is a narrow gap between trees to see the bird in the air and fall to the ground. Some flyers landed behind the tree in the middle.
A look at the marks.